Who We Are?

Our Mission

To teach each class as if it were the most important class that we will ever teach.

To teach our students reliable, useful and safe Martial Arts Skills so that they can defend themselves In a hostile situation.

To make the process of becoming a Black Belt as much fun as it is rewarding.

To help every student achieve Black Belt Excellence in every aspect of their lives.

To earn the respect, loyalty and continued patronage of our students each and every day … One class at a time!

“We encourage our students to be the best version of themselves”


Extraordinary Experiences

Life Changing Moments

Our programs offer life changing experiences for our students, while making life long friendships and learning valuable life Skills

Our Core Values

Our core values are reinforced in our programs and teaching to our students the A B C’s of life.


Personal Self Defence prides itself on its integrity, we allow our credentials to speak for themselves, our instructors have trained with the best and by the best to share our experiences and skills with our students, this section offers some details on our experiences . Our instructors are internationally ranked and qualified and training is conducted in an environment that fosters humility, ethical behaviour, friendship and fun. Everyone is made to feel welcome, valued and respected. We recognise that each person’s Martial arts journey is different and is no less valuable than another’s. Check out Instructor Credentials

This is a Black Belt School

We believe Martial Arts is more than Punching and Kicking, but a tool for Personal Development, so our aim is to encourage the student to become the best they can be, That's why this is a Black Belt School, not a club. All students aim for Black Belt excellence, we believe that success is a direction, not a destination and so our focus is very much on the journey towards achieving Black Belt and our goals in life.

Real Martial Arts, Real Friendships, Real Achievements